Under the project of Elektrorazpredelenie Yug “Life safe grid for Burgas”, implemented jointly with BSPB, 6 overhead lines, supplying Banevo, Vetren and other settlements were insulated
Elektrorazpredelenie Yug (part of EVN) completed the first stage of activities to improve the power supply for settlements in Burgas region. The company secured with protective insulation for birds over 950 poles from 6 overhead lines, supplying power to Banevo, Vetren, Rudnik, Mirolovovo, Izvorishte, Draganovo, Bryastovets, etc.
The company is installing a new type of insulation and security elements for the technical infrastructure that protect the birds landing on the poles and thus contribute to reducing the number of grid failures.
The installed insulations are of a new type and are being used for the first time by Elektroraspradelenie Yug. The new insulations contribute significantly to reducing the mortality of birds after contact with power lines, and hence the number of failures. The installation is carried out in such a way that all conductive elements of the pole are secured so that the landing birds do not have direct contact with them.
The activities are performed under the project "Life safe grid for Burgas” (LIFE 20/NAT/BG/001234 Safe Grid for Burgas). It is realized by Elektrorazpredelenie Yug in partnership with the Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds (BSPB) and is financed by LIFE programme of the European Union. It will be implemented by 2026 in the region of the wetlands around Burgas - Atanasovsko Lake, Burgas Lake (Vaya), Mandra-Poda Complex and Pomorie Lake, which are located on one of the two main migratory routes of birds in Europe - “Via Pontica” and are part of NATURA 2000 network in Bulgaria.
The aim of the project is to protect birds by reducing mortality due to contact with electricity distribution grid overhead lines. In addition to large-scale environmental activities, the project will improve the security of electricity supply for customers in nearby settlements in Burgas region.
In February 2023, the first activities to improve the power supply for Sarafovo district also started, when a new underground cable line with a length of 500 meters was laid. In 2023, the next phases of construction of a new underground electricity distribution grid to improve power supply security for Sarafovo are about to start.
Under the project "Life safe grid for Burgas", Elektrorazpredelenie Yug will implement the following measures:
- 52 km of overhead power lines will be laid underground, which completely eliminates the risks to wild birds.
- Installation of protective insulation on 2,000 poles of the electricity grid. By means of these insulations, the birds do not have a contact with the energized elements and thus no disturbances are caused in the power supply.
- Installation of 2,000 diverters (reflectors) along the overhead power lines. They reduce the likelihood of flying birds colliding with overhead wires.
- Construction of 18 new transformer stations and 1 switching station.