Protective insulation is a special plastic products that is placed on top of the electric pylon, covering the parts of the wires on both sides of the pylon. The equipment is made of insulating material in order to protect the birds from voltage, which can be caused by contact of birds with the wires and the grounded part of the pylon.
Within the framework of the activity, preliminary identification of the risk pylons of the electricity distribution grid will be performed. The data from previous BSPB studies and the developed GIS database under this project will be combined. The information will make it possible to define the exact number and types of pylons to be insulated within the project.
Рисковите стълбове ще бъдат изолирани (обезопасени) в радиус от 5 км в буферната зона на зоните от НАТУРА 2000, които са част от проекта – „Бургаско езеро“, езеро „Мандра – Пода“, „Атанасовско езеро“ и „Поморийски езеро“. В рамките на проекта се планира Електроразпределение Юг да изолира над 90 км въздушни електропроводи в района на гр. Бургас.
The implementation of this activity will address one of the serious threats to birds caused by electrocution while landing on unsecured pylons.