The EUR 5.5 million project is under the LIFE program of the European Union and includes measures to secure the electricity distribution grid in the region of Burgas lakes
On 1 October 2021 in Sofia Elektrorazpredelenie Yug (part of EVN) and the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSBP) officially launched the LIFE Safe Grid for Burgas project, funded by the LIFE Program of the European Union. The project will be implemented in the wetlands around Burgas, namely Atanasovsko Lake, Burgas Lake, Mandra-Poda Complex and Pomorie Lake, which are located on one of the two main migratory routes of birds in Europe - Via Pontica and are part of NATURA 2000 network in Bulgaria.
The aim of the project is to protect birds by reducing mortality due to contact with electricity distribution grid overhead lines.
The project of Elektrorazpredelenie Yug (part of EVN), developed in partnership with BSPB, was approved by the European Commission in May 2021. Elektrorazpredelenie Yug is a beneficiary of the project, which has a total value of EUR 5.5 million. In total, 75% of the funds come from the LIFE program of the European Commission and 25% from Elektrorazpredelenie Yug. The planned implementation period of the activities is 2021 - 2026.
Mr. Alexander Sipek, Country Manager of EVN Bulgaria said: "The project is one of the biggest bird protection measures in Bulgaria and certainly the biggest one for the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. At the same time, this is an important investment in improving the power supply in Burgas region, which will solve a large part of the disturbances that occur during the migration periods each year. For us, this is a project that leads to positive values both for the birds and for the customers in the region of Burgas lakes. An example of how human activity can coexist with nature and biodiversity."
Under the project, Elektrorazpredelenie Yug plans large-scale activities to secure the electricity distribution grid:
- Underground cable laying (cabling) of 52 km of 20 kV (medium voltage) overhead power lines, which completely eliminates the risks to wild birds
- Securing (via protective insulation) of 96 km of 20 kV overhead power lines (medium voltage)
- Installation of 2000 electrical diverters (reflective markers) along the overhead power lines. They reduce the likelihood of flying birds colliding with overhead wires
- Building 18 transformer stations and one switching station.
According to the time plan, in the period 2021-2022, technical designs and specifications will be developed as well as approval procedures with institutions. Construction and repair works are planned to start from 2023.
In addition to bird precautions, the project will improve the security of electricity supply for customers in nearby settlements where power disruptions were recorded during the months of bird migration.
This is the second major project that Elektrorazpredelenie Yug will implement under the LIFE programme jointly with BSPB after the project "LIFE for safe grid" for protection of the globally threatened Imperial Eagle was implemented in the period 2013 - 2018. Thus, in 2013, Elektrorazpredelenie Yug became the first infrastructure company in Bulgaria to implement projects with funding under the LIFE programme.
Within the project in 2013 -2018, 70 km. overhead power lines in protected areas were laid underground, 42 km of overhead power lines were completely insulated, and 2,340 electric poles were secured with protective insulation. As a result, in 2021, 6 new pairs of imperial eagles were registered, increasing their total number to the record high 41.
Information on ‘Via Pontica’
- "Via Pontica" is one of the main migratory routes of birds between their breeding sites in Europe and their wintering sites in Africa.
- The route connects both continents and passes through more than 20 countries (from Finland to South Africa).
- On the territory of Bulgaria it passes mainly along the Black Sea coast.
- Over 550 000 birds are passing during the spring migration from Africa to Europe.
- In autumn migration, more than 880 000 birds fly from Europe to Africa.
- Over 78% of the entire world population of the white stork passes through this migration route.
- The entire Bulgarian section of Via Pontica the largest gathering of birds is monitored in the area of Burgas Lakes.