Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List, CITES Appendix I, CMS Appendix I and II, Bern Convention Appendix II and Annex II of AEWA. Situated on the easternmost part of the Black Sea and being a typical migration ‘bottle-neck’ site, Burgas area is the place with the biggest concentrations of migrating Dalmatian Pelicans, reaching up to 1,695 individuals in one season (> 1/3 of the flyway population). Burgas Wetlands are the only site in Bulgaria, where the species occurs all year round. The importance of the Burgas lakes as stopover site and wintering ground has increased in the recent years. Critically Endangered in the national RDB. Collision with power-lines is amongst the threats for the species. A national action plan for it was adopted by the Ministry of the Environment and Water (MoEW) in 2012.
